The following is a guest post written by our FMS counselors in honor of their long-time colleague, Julie Smith, upon her retirement. Julie’s lifetime of service and impact are inspiring and we join her in celebrating this well-deserved transition though we will miss her terribly!

Fluvanna Middle School has been incredibly fortunate to have had Julie Smith as its lead school counselor over the past 30 years. Early on, Julie believed Fluvanna to be a very special community and she has worked tirelessly to invest here. Her impact cannot be fully known as she has supported students during some of their most challenging years of lives. After driving from Charlottesville City to Fluvanna for all that time, she leaves behind an amazing legacy as she retires this May. 

At FMS, school counselors move up through all 3 grade levels with their students. This means that counselors get to know their student grade level very well. Oftentimes Julie has worked with siblings of her students and now children and grandchildren of her former students. Julie was the school counselor for many of today’s Fluco Teachers. 

Julie has mentored many staff members. She is our resident PowerSchool Queen. She is a master of pulling spreadsheets together to provide helpful and organized data for teachers and school staff which lead to thoughtful support for students. What comes to mind for many staff members about Julie is that she has been a counselor and advocate for not only students, but also staff. She has laughed, cried, and listened to so many of us

Julie has truly been invaluable to our schools and our Fluvanna community. We collectively thank her for her investment of time and energy in our middle schoolers. Julie’s commitment to our school and to doing her job above and beyond the call of duty deserves to be celebrated. Her fellow Flucos wish her nothing but the best as she goes off on her next adventure. Happy last year, Julie!