Response to Intervention (RTI)

What is RTI?

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a framework to provide targeted and tiered interventions to students struggling to meet academic and behavioral standards.

RTI uses various screening and progress monitoring tools to determine if students are meeting the standards, and provides a tiered intensity to the levels of support, depending on student needs.

Student Intervention Team (SIT)

The Student Intervention Team (SIT) is a function of the regular education program of Fluvanna County Schools. 

The primary purpose of the Student Intervention Team is to ensure all students are given the opportunity to be successful in the general education classroom by providing a structured support system to implement when students are experiencing insufficient success in learning.

The roles and responsibilities of the Student Intervention team (SIT):

  • Identifying the students needing interventions from the universal screenings, teacher referrals and other data provided by teachers;

  • Designing appropriate instructional interventions and assigning responsibilities for implementation;

  • Progress Monitoring instructional fidelity and implementation of the interventions through the collection of data;

  • Analyzing/interpreting the student intervention data, and adjusting interventions accordingly;

  • Communicating intervention plans and progress with parents and other stakeholders;

  • Identifying students that should be referred for special education;

Who should serve on the Student Intervention team (SIT)?

  • Principal, Assistant Principal or designee

  • General Education Teacher(s)

  • School Counselor

  • Reading/Math Specialist

  • Other specialists as needed such as Speech and language pathologist, Special Education lead, School Psychologist, ELL teacher

RTI Eligibility Criteria

Students are referred to the Student Intervention Team based on teacher and/or parent concerns that result from universal screenings, and formative/summative data using the Student Intervention Team Referral

The student cumulative file review should include student data such as:


  • Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments


  • Benchmark Assessments where applicable

  • Classroom Performance

  • Grades 

  • Attendance

  • Behavior

RTI Service

The SIT team meets to review the referral, and after a thorough discussion of the student’s strengths and weaknesses, the following courses of action are possible:

  • The SIT team may recommend classroom based interventions;

  • The SIT team may decide to implement a formal Student Intervention Plan through RTI;

rti explain

  • Or if the student is suspected of being disabled under either I.D.E.A. or Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the student intervention team will recommend a referral to evaluation.

Formal Special Education Evaluation

The special education team leader is responsible for forwarding the referral information to the Director of Special Education within five (5) business days. Remember to include relevant information including the RTI plan and data, if the student had a plan. This packet needs to include a copy of all forms completed by the Team.

The Parental Permission form is to be forwarded to the Director of Special Education as soon as the parents sign it. The process for determining eligibility must be completed within sixty- five (65) business days after the meeting date. As soon as all required evaluation components have been obtained in writing, an Eligibility Committee meeting will be scheduled. The school and the child’s parents will be notified of this meeting. At least one regular education teacher of the child must attend the eligibility meeting.